August Trip and Updates
August Trip and Updates
Just got back from the August check out dives and it was a lot of fun. The visibility wasn’t nearly as good as it was for most of the season but everyone who went still had a great time. The seas were calm and with all the bait fish in the water you couldn’t see very far anyway. I personally had a dream come true when I caught an annoying remora by hand and swam around with it until the group had all had a close up look. Those things have been bothering me for years but I finally got my revenge. We have three new Open Water Divers, Tanya Witchen, Robert Turner and Robert Allen. Congratulation and may you have some awesome dives ahead.

Friday is the deadline for full payment on the Labor Day trip to Key Largo for information on this trip please follow this link.
There has been a lot of interest in the Little Cayman trip Dec. 1 -8, 2012. Many consider this to be the finest diving in the Caribbean. The price is down and five afternoon dives have been added to the two morning dives at no charge. To learn more about this trip please follow this link.
We have an Emergency First Responder course scheduled for Monday August 20. The course will cover CPR, primary first aid, secondary first aid and AEDs. To register call 985-641-9888.